
  • 18岁的韦恩和马克是两名普通的英军,2003年在伊拉克维护和平,当颇受欢迎的连长于巡逻时被路旁炸弹炸死后,整排的…
  • 一群年轻学生选择在巴塞罗那开展“伊拉斯谟”项目。所有人都有同样的决心尽情玩乐。西班牙学生蒙策在家里接待了这…
  • A journalist uncovers an underground group who can bring back the dead and slowly becomes drawn into their…
  • 奸母,杀戮,与《残酷食人族》,如出一辙,意大利超真实恐怖片经典之作。不完全是由头杀到完场,至少它有一两场床…
  • A homicidal maniac is accidentally released from a hospital because of a computer error and heads to the s…
  • A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving i…
  • 在不久的将来,人类文明遭遇未知力量的毁灭性打击。逃入森林伸出的席默思发现了一个地下避难所,里面居住着一名自…
  • Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's…
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